Customer Appreciation Sale
Kiwanis Marketplace 6535 E Cave Creek Rd, Cave Creek, AZ, United StatesStop in to see what is HALF OFF, enjoy some treats and hunt for treasures! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more about our sale!
Stop in to see what is HALF OFF, enjoy some treats and hunt for treasures! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more about our sale!
Come to the Marketplace on September 14th for our Football Kick-Off Sale. We will have half off select items. Wear your football gear and get entered to win a $100 gift card to the Marketplace! Watch Facebook, Instagram or sign up for our weekly newsletter to find out what [...]
Now is the time to clean out your closets and get rid of the clutter! Bring your unwanted household items to the Marketplace on September 14 for a coupon towards your next purchase - PLUS we will have many items HALF OFF! Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for [...]
Come to the Marketplace on September 21st for our Welcome to Fall Sale. We will have half off select items. Watch Facebook, Instagram or sign up for our weekly newsletter to find out what will be on sale!
Stop in to see what is HALF OFF, enjoy some treats and hunt for treasures! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more about our sale!
Come shop and save at our Oktoberfest Sale on October 12th. We will have half-off items in the store. Check Facebook and Instagram to find out what will be on sale!
We will have scary savings all day on Saturday, October 26th! Wear your costume for a chance to win a gift card to the Marketplace. Watch Facebook and Instagram to see what will be half off!
Join us for an evening of celebration and support at Harold's Corral on October 30th from 6-9pm. Great Music .... Great Food ... Great Causes Backyard BBQ, Games and Raffles Live music by Darrell Doepke, Glade Wilson and Coyote Joe. **TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR**
Stop in to see what is HALF OFF, enjoy some treats and hunt for treasures! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more about our sale!
Join us for a Kiwanisgiving SALE on November 23rd for half-off treasures. Plus, you can win a TURKEY!!! If you spend more than $10 on November 23rd between 9 am and noon, you will receive a raffle ticket for a special turkey drawing. (These entries will also be added [...]